Stage I Worship Notes (book), by Jeff Miller
Want a tool to begin training children to pay attention and participate during worship, instead of playing with toys or being a distraction to others? These booklets are for you! Stage I is for children who can trace and listen for simple keywords.

Stage II Worship Notes (book), by Jeff Miller
Want a tool to begin training children to pay attention and participate during worship, instead of playing with toys or being a distraction to others? These booklets are for you! Stage II: for children who have begun reading and doing basic writing.

Stage III Worship Notes (book), by Jeff Miller
Want a tool to begin training children to pay attention and participate during worship, instead of playing with toys or being a distraction to others? These booklets are for you! Stage III: for children who are old enough to read, write, and begin taking basic notes on the lesson.

Kids Prep (CD), by Jeff Miller
God wants Christians to “always be ready to give a defense to everyone” (1 Peter 3:15). To do that would be difficult without having important verses and concepts committed to memory. This album uses melodies and rhythms to help kids (and adults!) memorize what they need to know to speak with others about the truth when older.

Kids Prep 2 (CD), by Jeff Miller
God wants Christians to “always be ready to give a defense to everyone” (1 Peter 3:15). To do that would be difficult without having important verses and concepts committed to memory. This sequel album uses melodies/rhythms to help kids (and adults!) memorize other things they need to know to evangelize when older.

Hidden in My Heart (CD), by Jeff Miller
God wants Christians to “always be ready to give a defense to everyone” (1 Peter 3:15). To do that would be difficult without having important verses and concepts committed to memory. This album uses melodies and rhythms to help kids (and adults!) memorize Old Testament passages that will be useful in evangelism later.

Hidden in My Heart 2 (CD), by Jeff Miller
God wants Christians to “always be ready to give a defense to everyone” (1 Peter 3:15). To do that would be difficult without having important verses and concepts committed to memory. This album uses melodies and rhythms to help kids (and adults!) memorize Gospel account passages that will be useful in evangelism later.

Christian Evidences Memory Work (CD), by Jeff Miller
God wants Christians to “always be ready to give a defense to everyone” (1 Peter 3:15). To do that would be difficult without having important verses/concepts committed to memory. This album uses melodies/rhythms to help kids (and adults) memorize Christian evidences related passages/concepts that will be useful in evangelism.