Jeff Miller is a scientist, minister, and musician and holds a Bachelor’s degree from Freed-Hardeman University, as well as Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the University of Texas at Arlington, and a Doctoral degree from Auburn University in biomechanical engineering. He has been preaching and instructing youth for over 25 years, writing, performing, and instructing music (including instructing at three colleges) for over 30 years, and has authored hundreds of Christian evidence and apologetics articles for adults and children, dozens of videos, as well as the books, Science vs. Evolution, Flooded, Hidden in My Heart (Volumes 1 and 2), In the Way He Should Go (Volumes 1 and 2), Helpful Tools As You Begin Building Your Christian Life, and Dating Without Detonating. Dr. Miller is a co-writer/co-editor of the Defending the Faith Study Bible as well as the co-author of Homosexuality: Scripture, Society, Science and Psychology and Does God Exist? He is also the author of several children’s materials, including God Made Hair, Amazing Beauty Designed by God, the Apologetics Press Bible Timeline, Stages I-III Worship Notes, and memory verse CDs designed to assist Christians in memorizing key passages and concepts that are helpful in evangelism scenarios. Jeff is the creator of the Kids Prep memorization program utilized by churches across the nation.
Dr. Miller currently serves as the full-time science writer at Apologetics Press in Montgomery, AL, where he is the editor of the Apologetics Press free Bible Class Curriculum and the Associate Editor of the monthly Christian evidences journal, Reason & Revelation. He has participated in several Creation geologic expeditions with leading Creation geologists in Wyoming, studying seismites in the Lance Formation and dinosaur fossil beds, throughout the United States studying rapid cave formation, and at the Grand Canyon, studying evidences of the Canyon’s rapid formation and carving during and after the biblical Flood. He lectures and conducts seminars regularly around the country on Christian Evidences, science, the Bible, evangelism, and the home.
Subscribe to Dr. Jeff’s YouTube channel: Jeff Miller – YouTube