Ancient Marriage in a Modern World (book), by Jeff Miller
Does God have a plan for marriage that is relevant today? Does the Bible tell us anything that could reverse the climbing divorce rate in our country?

In the Way He Should Go, Volume 1 (book), by Jeff Miller
The most sure-fire way to rear a child right is to do it God’s way! Volume 1 covers step 1 of biblical childrearing: teaching.

In the Way He Should Go, Volume 2 (book), by Jeff Miller
According to Scripture, how do we prepare our children for a life of service to God? Volume 2 covers steps 2 and 3 of biblical childrearing: training and correcting.

In the Way He Should Go Combo (2 books), by Jeff Miller
As one would expect if it was important to God, the Bible is loaded with practical information that every parent who wishes to rear children to be Christians needs to hear.

In the Way He Should Go Discussion Questions (pdf),
by Jeff Miller
Want the children at your congregation to be reared biblically? This booklet is great for use in Bible classes.

Hidden Meanings Buried in the Bible (book), by Dave Miller
Why did Lot offer his daughters to the men of Sodom? Why did God tell Job to “gird up his loins”? Why say or sing “hosanna”? Getting a glimpse of the ancient cultures and languages of the Bible can often provide valuable insight for better understanding of the Bible.

Fake Founding Father Quotes Examined (book), by Dave Miller
Were the Founders atheists and deists? Alleged quotations from seven Founding Fathers are examined with a view toward ascertaining whether the quotes are “faked.”

Female Leadership in the Church? (book), by Dave Miller
A classroom tool for Bible study that answers the critical question: Is male leadership in the Church a matter of culture—or creation?

Lifting Up Hands in Worship to God (book), by Dave Miller
The Bible makes reference to the lifting up of the hands as a part of one’s worship to God. What precisely is this posture? What does it signify? When is this posture to be assumed? In order to comply with Jesus’ directive to “worship Him in spirit and truth” (John 4:24), these questions deserve biblical answers.

Helpful Tools as You Begin Your Christian Life (book), by Jeff Miller
Now that you are a Christian, what are your responsibilities? Is there anything you need to know about the Bible that will help you understand it and interpret it correctly? Are there specific materials that would be good recommendations to have at hand as study helps? Answers to these questions and more are found within this booklet.

A Summary of the Bible (book), by Dave Miller
The purpose of this study is to briefly pinpoint the singular essence and thrust of each book of the Bible. Outlines are provided to help the Bible student grasp the overall layout and structure of each book. Central themes are identified and a brief introduction and outline are provided so that the student may capture the intended purpose of each book. Great as a classroom tool!

Pleasing God in Worship (DVD), by Dave Miller
Christendom has imbibed the restless spirit of the age and implemented many changes to basic Christian doctrines. To placate an entertainment-oriented culture, many churches have implemented “contemporary” worship. This seminar explains the issues (e.g., handclapping, praise teams, and lifting up hands) and applies biblical principles to arrive at solutions.

A Trip Through the Bible (Videos), by Dave Miller
Oftentimes, our Bible study is piecemeal. As we hear sermons, attend Bible classes and read Scripture, we receive a host of unrelated slices of the Bible spread out over many years. But putting it all together to get the big picture is a rare circumstance. This series treats the Christian to a delightful, captivating trip through the entire Bible in a relatively brief period of time.

A Trip Through the Bible (Audio), by Dave Miller
Oftentimes, our Bible study is piecemeal. As we hear sermons, attend Bible classes and read Scripture, we receive a host of unrelated slices of the Bible spread out over many years. But putting it all together to get the big picture is a rare circumstance. This series treats the Christian to a delightful, captivating trip through the entire Bible in a relatively brief period of time.